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recover my file mac

Any Mac. Any Model. Any Year.


We can recover data from every type of Mac under the sun which is something the vast majority of data recovery companies cannot say with confidence.  We can recover data from all the types below and more!


  • iMac

  • Macbook Air

  • Macbook Pro

  • Mac Mini

  • Apple Time Machines

  • Mac Desktop


Whether you have a brand new Macbook with soldered-in storage or a PowerPC Mac from the 90's, we can get your data back. 


t2 data recovery

Apple Does Not Make Data Recovery Easy....

Whether it is an iPhone/iPad or a Mac Machine, one thing is certain; Apple does not like people messing with their hardware.  From the current 'Right-To-Repair' movement, the crackdown on jail-breaking or their airtight ecosystem in iOS and MacOS, Apple does not want users to mess with their programming, designs or interfaces.  


Apple has made upgrading memory or storage after initial purchase through after-market parts virtually impossible through soldered-in memory/storage and encrypted hardware.  The same hurdles that you would encounter doing any of the things above and more hold true for data recovery as well.  From their T2 chip to the soldered down NAND chip-sets, make data recovery on Apple products extremely complex.


We have invested heavily in this space as we believe Mac and iOS users should be entitled to the exact same data recovery options as Windows PC, Chrome OS and Linux users.  We have worked very hard to become an accredited partner of Apple and we knew that this was the first step in coming to a mutual understanding with Apple in Cupertino.  

m1 mac data recovery


If you have a brand new Mac with Apple silicon then your first question is likely "can you recover data from storage on M1 architecture boards?"


The answer is, YES.  Whether you have an Intel based Mac, Apple Silicon Mac or an old Mac with a PowerPC processor, we can do the job.  Up until recently in roughly the last decade, the type of processor and motherboard held very little relevance to data storage since they still used removable socket based connection systems (e.g SATA, SCSI, etc.)  on the storage hardware.  It is only in the last decade that Apple has decided to take even more control over your hardware and make it non-upgradeable.   Soldering down the storage and using hardware encryption that no one but Apple themselves can translate has had a significant effect on Mac users when it comes to recovering THEIR data. 


Luckily we have done significant Research & Development on these new systems and have been incredibly successful recovering data from them.


mac mini data recovery
imac data recovery
macbook pro data recovery
mac pro data recovery
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